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Data Protection Act
All information you provide is for internal use only and will not, under any circumstances, be passed on to third parties.
You have a right to access, modify, correct and delete any personal data (Article 34 of the French Data Protection act). To exercise this right, please contact :
The Originals Access Hôtel Bordeaux Aéroport Access Hôtel Bordeaux Aéroport
91 av. du Pdt JF Kennedy
Zone Hôtelière Aéroport
33700 Mérignac
You have a right to access, modify, correct and delete any personal data (Article 34 of the French Data Protection act). To exercise this right, please contact :
The Originals Access Hôtel Bordeaux Aéroport Access Hôtel Bordeaux Aéroport
91 av. du Pdt JF Kennedy
Zone Hôtelière Aéroport
33700 Mérignac